Photo of Gustavo Bessone

Internet & web

Gustavo Bessone

Created an intuitive platform to manage online advertising

Year Honored

Latin America

Hails From

"Beyond providing a source of revenue for online portals, internet advertising provides a more intuitive and economical medium for advertisers than the traditional mainstays like the printed press and television. Today, the source data about the users that comprise the web traffic allow for the segmentation of advertising campaigns to limit the investment to the most relevant and interested audience for the advertised product or service.

To facilitate companies´ access to online advertising, the Argentinian innovator Gustavo Bessone founded Taggify in 2010. This platform allows advertisers to segment the reach of their campaigns through various filters that include the topic of the advertisement, the age and geographical location of the user, and even the number of times the same advertisement could be displayed to the same user within the same day. Once the campaign has been segmented, Taggify connects these parameters with a community of distributors of advertising space acquired through a real-time bidding (RTB).

According to a report by Price Waterhouse Cooper, in 2019 internet advertising will have surpassed televised advertising worldwide and will generate revenue for companies to the order of 239,870 million dollars (approximately 215,160 million euros), which represents a growth of 56% as compared to the current market. And as Bessone points out, ""internet advertising must be relevant both for the user and for the company, or it will no longer make sense."""