Photo of Alejandro Cantú


Alejandro Cantú

He has developed an earthquake alert satellite system capable of measuring the intensity of earthquakes

Year Honored

Latin America

Hails From

"Alejandro has created SkyAlert, the first satellite-based, earthquake alert social network. This earthquake alarm system is one of only 4 such systems that exist worldwide, alongside those belonging tothe Japanese, Mexican and Israeli governments. Alejandro´s system can sound the alarm of up to 2 minutes in advance of an earthquake. Furthermore, through the use of social networks and a mobile application developed by Alejandro in conjunction with his team, it offers users not only real time information regarding existing risk levels, but also affords the opportunity to interact with other individuals and create a community of contacts through which help can be requested or provided in emergency situations.

Only three years after the creation of SkyAlert, it has covered one hundred per cent of the areas under seismic risk in the country and provided service to more than 45 million Mexicans who previously had no access to any earthquake alert system.

The system created by Alejandro, which works not only for earthquakes but also for other disasters, could improve the course of action to be taken in any kind of emergency."