Photo of Marie André Destarac

Computer & electronics hardware

Marie André Destarac

Her open software system improves diagnostics and the design for therapies to treat muscular injuries

Year Honored

Latin America

Hails From
Central America

"Her passion for medical applications lead the Guatemalan Marie André Destarac to create an exoskeleton that helps patients with shoulder and elbow injuries.

During her research efforts, she discovered how the steps taken in creating her solution could serve to improve medical diagnoses. To this end, Destarac´s team worked on a 3D simulation that replicates muscular behavior and highlights the damaged areas. In the same way, the application of each treatment and exercise designed for a particular patient can first be simulated via software in advance.

This innovation replaces and improves upon the goniometer, which measures the angle of the limbs upon bending and is subject to limitations since it is only able to measure specific areas as opposed to the complete movement of the joint. Destarac´s system is more complete and promises to have an important impact in a large range of patients, in addition to the fact that it can be implemented at low cost."