Photo of José Luis  de la Cruz Lázaro

Energy & sustainability

José Luis de la Cruz Lázaro

He developed software that simplifies and lowers the cost of the electrification of rural areas

Year Honored

Latin America

Hails From

"One in every five small towns in rural Peru does not have an electricity supply. In these cases the state is responsible for subsidizing electrification to provide its inhabitants may have, at least, a system of nocturnal lighting and enough energy to power small appliances. However, this type of electric installation does not provide the necessary power to enable them to establish small businesses, such as carpenter´s shops, bakeries or tanneries, which would require a more powerful and stable distribution network.

Convinced that the development of rural areas involves promoting this kind of micro-enterprise, José Luis de la Cruz, an electrical engineer, has developed a tool that could provide an answer to the great challenge of making this type of electrical supply economically viable through the optimization of resources.

ESOLUTIONS, the company founded and directed by De la Cruz, has developed REDCAD, a software program that allows companies responsible for electrical network infrastructure installations to improve planning, minimizing time and cost through optimization of the operational phase of each project. The software not only works according to Peruvian standards, but is also applicable to the manner of working in any environment, country or type of installation.

To date, REDCAD has helped to bring productive and domestic electricity to more than 3,000 small rural locations. REDCAD can deliver a savings of between 50% and 80% of the costs incurred by companies installing these networks. ESOLUTIONS supplies more than 20 large customers in Peru and hopes to extend to new markets in Latin America soon, and to other continents further down the line."