Photo of Guoqing Chang

Nanotechnology & materials

Guoqing Chang

Uncovering novel topological semimetal phases and explored the feasibility of their potential applications.

Year Honored

Nanyang Technological University

Asia Pacific

Hails From
Asia Pacific

The electronic structure of topological quantum materials has special topological states, which give them many unique physical properties and have broad application prospects in the design and application of new electronic devices. Such materials have emerged as a pivotal focus of exploration within the domains of condensed matter physics and materials science over the last decade. Among all materials, topological semimetals such as Weyl semimetals are particularly valued as they provide a new topological phase beyond insulators and support unusual transport phenomena.

Dr. Guoqing Chang, Assistant Professor at Nanyang Technological University, has been working on topological quantum materials for years. He has used advanced computing techniques to successfully predict and develop a variety of quantum materials. He has pioneered the integration of knot theory in mathematics with topological semimetals, proposing innovative topological Hopf and chain link semimetal states. Moreover, he uncovered a profound link between the chirality found in the physical structure of materials and the topological chirality present in momentum space, giving rise to the emergence of topological chiral crystals. His theory also indicates that these chiral materials exhibit unconventional nonlinear optical responses, with potential applications in the next generation of optical detectors.

Currently, Chang’s latest research endeavors revolve around quantum phases with strong correlations. This research offers a promising strategy for addressing electronic instabilities in quantum materials.