Photo of Luana Wandecy Pereira Silva

Computer & electronics hardware

Luana Wandecy Pereira Silva

An innovative solution that provides autonomy and well-being to visually impaired dogs.

Year Honored


Blindness is a problem that affects dogs throughout Brazil due to various causes such as diabetes, glaucoma, and cataracts. This not only causes suffering to the animals, but also affects their families. To address this problem, Blindog is an innovative solution that provides autonomy and well-being to visually impaired dogs. 

Blindog revolutionizes the quality of life for blind dogs by using a patented device that detects obstacles and emits vibrating alerts. This prevents shocks and trauma, restoring families' confidence in providing a safe environment for their pets. It also contributes to smarter cities by promoting the mobility and safety of dogs in urban areas. With a booming pet market and positive social impact, Blindog is an innovative solution led by Luana Wandecy, an entrepreneur with extensive experience in technology and innovation. 

Luana Wandecy, who holds a Master's degree in Science, Technology, and Innovation, is the founder of the startup. She is also an active ambassador for various entrepreneurship and technology initiatives. With Blindog, Luana aims to improve the quality of life of blind dogs and strengthen the bond between pets and their guardians, offering an innovative technological solution that has the potential to positively impact society and the pet market.