Photo of Jazmin Salazar

Energy & sustainability

Jazmin Salazar

Combatting the climate emergency by monitoring and capturing CO2 and other gases emitted by industries.

Year Honored


Latin America

Hails From

A study by the Climate Accountability Institute estimates that 20 companies and multinationals emit 35% of the world's carbon dioxide and methane emissions that generate global warming. Another estimate calculates that half of Mexico's greenhouse gas emissions come from the construction industry. Faced with the existential threat that global warming poses to everyone, Jazmín Salazar, a business administrator trained at Tecnológico de Monterrey, decided to apply her business knowledge to achieve a climate-neutral industrial sector.

Her response was to create a system that would combine software for measuring and controlling CO2 emissions with a capture device to trap part of the polluting gases that cannot be eliminated. This vision crystallized in her start-up Oxtron. For this breakthrough, Salazar has been chosen by MIT Technology Review in Spanish as one of the winners of Innovators under 35 Latin America 2023.

As for the capture device, Oxtron offers a modular system that has a first filter that prevents harmful compounds, such as soot, from coming out of chimneys. In a second phase, the hydrogen sulfide that causes acid rain is removed and part of the carbon dioxide is captured, which is then pressurized and stored in a tank with the aim of being converted, in the future, into plastics and other useful chemical compounds.

The system is complemented by software that monitors in real time and remotely the complete greenhouse gas emissions along the supply chain. In addition, Oxtron measures the carbon footprint of food products based on their ingredients and quantities. This knowledge makes it easier to reduce emissions efficiently, explains its creator.

"I researched the main sources of pollution and made an analysis of the technologies that could be applied to reduce emissions and transform them into a product that would give value to companies and people. I contacted a restaurant chain where I tested the first prototypes. Industry emits so much carbon dioxide mainly due to the lack of access to technological solutions by companies. Current technologies are very expensive and inefficient. With Oxtron, we democratize the reduction of industry's impact on the climate crisis," explains the young woman.

Salazar has validated the products and is introducing them into the Mexican market to capture greenhouse gases. She is looking to scale the project to companies of all types in Mexico before making the leap to the rest of Latin America. Another objective is to synthesize more products from carbon dioxide, such as methanol and polypropylene, to provide more sustainable and economically profitable solutions to an environmental problem.