Photo of Gan Huang

Energy & sustainability

Gan Huang

Group Leader, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Dr. Gan Huang is a Group Leader at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany. He is also an Honorary Research Fellow at Imperial College London, UK. Dr. Huang is a pioneer in developing next-generation spectral-splitting hybrid solar technologies that aim to co-generate electricity and thermal energy by utilizing solar to its full potential, which direct different parts of the solar spectrum to suitable receivers. This technology has the great potential in expediting the journey towards achieving a net-zero future.

Dr. Huang’s ground-breaking work includes producing a framework, which helps designers tailor solar collectors to their intended use, and provides guidance on optimal designs, enabling efficiency limits to be identified and predicted. To commercialise this technology, Dr. Huang also designed and tested a low-cost and high-performance hybrid solar panel to Technology Readiness Level 6 (TRL6). 

Dr. Huang’s research has been recognized globally and received various awards, including the Sir William Wakeham Highly-Commended Award (2022, UK), Best Paper Award of 33rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (2021, Japan), and TOP50 of Green Talents (2021, Germany). His research has been featured in 71st Lindau Nobel Laureate meeting, PV Magazines, and Imperial College London News etc.